Almost Home

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12 rezolvări

Newbery Honor winner Joan Bauer’s new novel will touch your heart
When twelve-year-old Sugar’s grandfather dies and her gambling father takes off yet again, Sugar and her mother lose their home in Missouri. They head to Chicago for a fresh start, only to discover that fresh starts aren’t so easy to come by for the homeless. Nevertheless, Sugar’s mother has taught her to be grateful no matter what, so Sugar does her best. With the help of a rescue dog, Shush; a foster family; a supportive teacher; a love of poetry; and her own grace and good humor, Sugar comes to understand that while she can’t control the hand life deals her, she can control how she responds.

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Exemple de întrebări din quizul "Almost Home"

  • What is Sugars full name?
  • What is the name of the shelter that Sugar and Reba stayed after losing their house?
  • What is Sugar's favorite color?

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