Joshua Dread

20 puncte bonus
8 rezolvări

The first book in the series! Middle school is tough already–but when your parents are evil supervillains and you’ve just […]

Horse Diaries: Bella’s star

20 puncte bonus
10 rezolvări

Bell’s Star is a brown Morgan colt with a white star and two white stockings. He was bred for hard […]

Hook’s Revenge

15 puncte bonus
11 rezolvări

Fresh off a fearsome encounter with the Neverland crocodile, Jocelyn Hook decides the most practical plan is to hunt down […]

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

25 puncte bonus
121 rezolvări

Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet […]

The Phantom Tollbooth

15 puncte bonus
3 rezolvări

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