Microsoft Windows Quiz

8 puncte bonus
4 rezolvări

If you know enough about Microsoft Windows, then answer this quiz. Good luck!

Finding Synonyms

8 puncte bonus
11 rezolvări

Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related meaning, to another word. They can be lifesavers when you […]

Finding Antonyms

8 puncte bonus
12 rezolvări

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. They also are called opposites. The opposite of antonym is synonym. Hot and cold […]

Brown Bear, brown Bear, What do you see?

7 puncte bonus
2 rezolvări

“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” is a book. Read it.

Plural Nouns

5 puncte bonus
35 rezolvări

This quiz is meant to exercise the plural of English nouns. It contains regular nouns as well as irregular nouns.

What is another word for “……”?

12 puncte bonus
30 rezolvări

Do you love words? Test your knowledge and learn some interesting things along the way! Choose the right synonym from […]

What does it mean?

5 puncte bonus
47 rezolvări

You must recognize what the words I am going to ask you mean. Break a leg!

Healthy food

6 puncte bonus
66 rezolvări

You need to choose healthy foods, such as: cabbage, apple, etc. Good luck!

Present Simple – [3]

27 puncte bonus
121 rezolvări

Use Present Simple to talk about: habitual something that is true in the present; something that happens regularly in the […]

Fill in using will or won’t

27 puncte bonus
67 rezolvări

Fill in the gaps using “will” or “won’t” and the appropriate verb. Remember we use “will” for the affirmative and […]

Who, what, where, how, why or when

26 puncte bonus
87 rezolvări

Fill in with the suitable word. Use who, what, where, how, why or when.

Fruits – [6]

26 puncte bonus
167 rezolvări

Can you identify correctly all of these fruits? I hope you will enjoy this easy quiz!

Parts of the body

26 puncte bonus
160 rezolvări

Do you know the parts of the body? I hope you will enjoy this easy quis!

The difference between the homophones to, two, and too

13 puncte bonus
21 rezolvări

Find the difference between to, two, and too. Choose the correct answer from the list of choices. Good luck!

Which one is it: to, too or two?

13 puncte bonus
16 rezolvări

In this quiz you’ll have to choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “to”, “too” or “two”. Use to […]

To, Too, Two

10 puncte bonus
30 rezolvări

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “to”, “too”, or “two”. Confusing between to, too, and two is one […]

Synonyms in English

6 puncte bonus
20 rezolvări

Synonyms are words with the same meaning, words that can be used interchangeably (e.g. quick – fast). Select the correct […]

Searching for Synonyms

8 puncte bonus
17 rezolvări

A Synonym is a word that means the same, or nearly the same. Select the synonym of each word in […]

Romeo and Juliet: How well do you know Romeo and Juliet Acts one and two?

15 puncte bonus
0 rezolvări

Test how well do you remember acts one and two from the famous book Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet. Act III

15 puncte bonus
0 rezolvări

How good do you remember act III. Do you know what happens in act three of Romeo and Juliet?

Nadia Comaneci: Awesome Gymnast! What do you know?

6 puncte bonus
0 rezolvări

Wat do you know about gymnast Nadia Comaneci? Test your knowledge.

What would you do? Do you have what it takes to survive? Part IV

9 puncte bonus
0 rezolvări

Test if, found in the situation, you would be able to survive in the wildness. Do you have what it […]

What would you do? Do you have what it takes to survive? Part III

9 puncte bonus
0 rezolvări

Test if, found in the situation, you would be able to survive in the wildness. Do you have what it […]

Choose the correct opposite words

5 puncte bonus
25 rezolvări

Choose the word which best expresses the opposite (antonyms) of the given words. Antonyms are words that are opposite in […]

Test your English

8 puncte bonus
18 rezolvări

Take these 10 questions quiz to test your English! I know you already know many things so good luck!

Complete the sentences – III

8 puncte bonus
8 rezolvări

This 10 questions quiz is about choosing the appropriate words to complete the sentences. Good luck!

Complete the sentences – II

8 puncte bonus
6 rezolvări

This quiz is about choosing the appropriate options to complete the sentences. I’m sure you’ll do just fine!

Complete the sentences – I

8 puncte bonus
14 rezolvări

These ten questions quiz is about choosing the appropriate options to complete the sentences. I’d say it’s not that difficult […]

COLORS – [13]

6 puncte bonus
78 rezolvări



15 puncte bonus
2 rezolvări

In this quiz I will ask you some questions about this book. Good luck.

Do you know the past form at the verbs

15 puncte bonus
18 rezolvări

In this quiz you need to answer at some questions with the past at the verbs. Good luck.

The Days of the Week – III

7 puncte bonus
33 rezolvări

You already know so many things about the days of the week. But did you know that the days of […]

The Days of the Week – II

7 puncte bonus
23 rezolvări

How many days are there in a week? Which are those? I am sure you know all the answers. Good […]

The Days of the Week – I

7 puncte bonus
20 rezolvări

The days of the week come from the Names of mythical figures, so the first letter of each day must […]

Simple ways of learning English

6 puncte bonus
2 rezolvări

This Quizz is about simple English grammar,it has some useful things that we all need to know.

What’s the weather?

9 puncte bonus
29 rezolvări

Weather is sunshine, rain, storms, wind, and snow. The weather is different at different places around our planet! This quiz […]

How is the weather?

9 puncte bonus
46 rezolvări

Try to find the right answer for this 10 questions quiz! You heard these basic phrases before so this quiz […]


17 puncte bonus
1 rezolvări

Here’s a story you will never forget about a man named Mr. Hoppy who lives in a small apartment alone […]


17 puncte bonus
1 rezolvări

Esio Trot is a story about old, lonely, shy Mr. Hoppy and his love for his neighbour, the widow Mrs. […]

School objects

5 puncte bonus
86 rezolvări

Can you choose the correct answers? Are you up to the challenge?

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