Curiozități supraviețuire montană – LIVE, cu Alex Codreanu

50 puncte bonus
111 rezolvări

Marți, 19 mai 2020, ora 19.00, vă așteptăm aici să intrați în direct prin Youtube cu Alex Codreanu (ghid montan, […]

De toate … pentru toți

11 puncte bonus
99 rezolvări

Intrebări de cultură generală din diferite domenii.

Cum ai proceda?

10 puncte bonus
248 rezolvări

Tu cum ai priceda în aceste situații?

Urmările unui cutremur

20 puncte bonus
511 rezolvări

Din acest quiz vom invata cum trebuie sa reacționăm în timpul unui cutremur sau a unei catastrofe

What would you do? Do you have what it takes to survive? Part IV

9 puncte bonus
0 rezolvări

Test if, found in the situation, you would be able to survive in the wildness. Do you have what it […]

What would you do? Do you have what it takes to survive? Part III

9 puncte bonus
0 rezolvări

Test if, found in the situation, you would be able to survive in the wildness. Do you have what it […]

What would you do? Do you have what it takes to survive? Part II

10 puncte bonus
2 rezolvări

Test if, found in the situation, you would be able to survive in the wildness. Do you have what it […]

What would you do? Do you have what it takes to survive? Part I

10 puncte bonus
1 rezolvări

Test it, found in the situation, you would be able to survive in the wildness.

Test your knowledge in case of a need for first AID

13 puncte bonus
1 rezolvări

How about some questions and answers on First Aid? What are the basics for the first responder?

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