The most big planet in the solar system?
Autor quiz: LeulTocilar77
The solar system planets! Geography test.
You live in a universe of marvel and wonder. Through the lens of a telescope, you peer out into the glittering expanse, finding new wonders that human beings cannot explain and can barely comprehend.
Scientists estimate that 275 million stars are born and die every day in the observable universe. It is a place of change and discovery. But God knows every one of the estimated 70 billion trillion stars by name (Psalm 147:4). Would you like to get to know some of them too?
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Întrebarea 1 din 10
1. Întrebare
1 puncteHow many years did the formation of the Earth last?Corect
Întrebarea 2 din 10
2. Întrebare
1 puncteHow many planets from the sun is Earth?Corect
Întrebarea 3 din 10
3. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat is the Earth's natural satellite?Corect
Întrebarea 4 din 10
4. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat is the name of our galaxy?Corect
Întrebarea 5 din 10
5. Întrebare
1 puncteWho is the only Romanian who flew into outer space?Corect
Întrebarea 6 din 10
6. Întrebare
1 puncteWhich is the largest planet in our solar system?Corect
Întrebarea 7 din 10
7. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat is the universe?Corect
Întrebarea 8 din 10
8. Întrebare
1 puncteWho was the first to say that the earth is round?Corect
Întrebarea 9 din 10
9. Întrebare
1 puncteOrder from small to large the following: galaxy system, planet, galaxy, star, universe, solar system.Corect
Întrebarea 10 din 10
10. Întrebare
1 puncteWhat shape is the earth?Corect
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Exemple de întrebări din quizul "The most big planet in the solar system?"
- Order from small to large the following: galaxy system, planet, galaxy, star, universe, solar system.
- What is the name of our galaxy?
- How many years did the formation of the Earth last?